
FindWise: Your Ultimate Personal Web Assistant
FindWise is your go-to personal web assistant, available as a browser extension for Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, and Opera. It transforms your browsing experience by making it effortless to ask questions about anything on any website or document. With AI-generated answers and contextual relevance, FindWise ensures that you get the most accurate and personalized information with ease.
Key Features
AI-Generated Answers: Delivers contextually relevant information.
Efficient Information Discovery: Streamlines finding information.
Contextual Relevance: Provides accurate, personalized responses.
Time and Effort Saving: Reduces manual search efforts.
User-Friendly Experience: Feels like chatting with a knowledgeable friend.
Personalized Website Search: Tailored answers for specific sites.
Free Browser Extension: No credit card required.
Free Browser Extension: Available for download without any cost.
-Disclaimer: Please refer to the FindWise website for the most accurate and current pricing details and service offerings.
Best For
Busy Professionals: Quickly find information without manual searches.
Students: Get context-specific answers for research.
Casual Browsers: Enhance browsing with relevant insights.
Researchers: Access accurate data effortlessly.
Educators: Simplify lesson planning with quick information retrieval.
What We Like
Efficiency: Simplifies information discovery.
Accuracy: Contextually relevant AI-generated answers.
Time Savings: Reduces time spent on manual searches.
User-Friendly: Offers a seamless, conversational interface.
Accessibility: Free and easy to install.


Q What is FindWise?

FindWise is a browser extension that provides AI-generated answers based on the content of the current webpage.

Q How does FindWise work?

It analyzes the page content and delivers contextually relevant answers to user queries.

Q Is FindWise free?

Yes, FindWise is available as a free browser extension.

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