
Effortlessly split bills with Splitty 2.0, the ultimate solution for fair and efficient payments among friends. No more manual calculations and unfair charges! Simply snap a photo of your receipt, select the items consumed, and let Splitty do the rest on Venmo.

Key Features:
– Snap a photo or upload a receipt
– Easily select items to split
– Automatically calculate individual amounts
– Seamless integration with Venmo for quick payments

Disclaimer: Please refer to the website for the most accurate and current pricing details and service offerings.

Best for:
– Friends dining out together
– Roommates sharing expenses
– Colleagues splitting work-related costs
– Family members at gatherings
– Anyone who wants to simplify bill splitting on-the-go

Streamline your bill-sharing experience with Splitty 2.0 and enjoy fair payments with just a few taps. No more hassle, just accurate and convenient bill splitting for everyone involved.

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